Tuesday, 31 March 2009

Photos from CCK album recording
Last Thursday we recorded a live album at CCK in Brighton with Stuart Townend and Simon Brading.

It was an electric evening, with everything going smoothly other than Jos breaking a string on his acoustic guitar in the last song...

We did a song from our new album called Pardoned, as well as a few of Lou's songs

Thanks to all of you who came to sing along and thanks to Steve Roland for the photos!

Monday, 23 March 2009

CCK Live Album this Thursday
On Thursday this week, we're recording an album with Stuart Townend and Simon Brading at Church of Christ the King in Brighton

We'll be doing some songs from Lou Fellingham's album, as well as a brand new track off our latest album.

Entrance is free and anyone is welcome to attend, so if you're around, we'd love to see you there.

For more details, check out the Facebook group

Doors open at 7pm and it starts at 7:30pm.

Thursday, 12 March 2009

Phatfish at Worship School
This Saturday we were at Worship School at Church of Christ the King (CCK) in Brighton, leading worship with Stuart Townend.

Here is what Joel Virgo, lead elder of CCK has said about Worship School:

God is looking for worshippers. That’s what Jesus said. Most worshippers, however, are busy worshipping something else – though they were custom designed for worshipping God only and cannot really live till they set this right. To learn to worship the Lord is to learn to be fully human – each in our unique lives, with our unique gifts; but also as God's people… together. Worship School exists to equip people and churches in this task. To understand it, practice it and excel in it. We look forward to learning together with you.

A huge highlight was that Mark Driscoll from Mars Hill Church in Seattle sent over his Worship Pastor Tim Smith to come and speak at Worship School. Tim spoke extremely insightfully on missional worship and missional bands, encouraging churches and bands to engage in the culture.

For more details check out the website

Ben Hall gear talk
Isn't it weird how guitarists always know the dates of their guitars and amps? It's a bit like knowing your kids' birthdays...

As promised, here is a video of Ben talking through his trusty pedals and snappy amps.

Anyone guess what he's saying during the fast forwarded bit?

Saturday, 7 March 2009

Jos Wintermeyer gear talk
Jos Wintermeyer gives us a look behind the scenes at the gear that he's using on the latest Phatfish album, due out in June. There is a lot of talk about pickups, original amp bits and stobo stroomers.... You'll have to ask Jos about that one.

We'll be putting a video up of Ben's gear soon, so keep checking back.
